Monday, January 4, 2010

#003 - Your Alter Ego

The American Heritage Dictionary defines an Alter Ego as:

1. Another side of oneself; a second self.
2. An intimate friend or a constant companion.
[Latin : alter, other + ego, I, self.]

By the time most of you read this, you would have already received your ALTER EGO. You will stick with this name till the end of the year. Each of you will have a task (or many) to fulfil throughout the year.

Some famous Alter Egos.

Your First Assignment

You would have already been notified of your first task, which is to create one Powerpoint slide on your alter ego. These alter egos have been nomiated by TIME Magazine as the 100 Most Influential People.

As you have been briefed, please include something interesting in your slides about the person. Do not give me 'boring' information like birthdates or how many siblings this person has. Remember, they are INFLUENTIAL, which means that they must have done something to shape the world you and I live in!!!

I will be showcasing the top few entries of each class on this blog.

The deadline for submission is the 17th January 2010.

Please follow the details below.

Instruction for Submission:
Step 1: After you finish your slide, save it and include your FULL NAME and CLASS

Step 2: Email it to me at

Please check back at the end of the week for further instructions on TASK 2!!!
Enjoy the rest of your week in school!!!

Miss Lim


  1. Miss Lim...
    i dono how to send...

    Nigel Tay

  2. Hi Nigel, email me at
    Miss Lim

  3. I've already sent long time ago...:)
